Animation > Keyframe > Copy Keyframe

Sets parameters before coping keyframes to into aother animation.

Copy Keyframes Options


All – Keyframes are copied from every animatable parameter of the object.

Global – Keyframes are only copied from the parameters that are selected in the GLOBAL parameter control window.

Local – Keyframes are only copied from the parameters that are selected in the LOCAL parameter control window.


None – Keyframes are copied from only the selected objects.

Above – Keyframes are copied from the selected objects and all objects above their DAG nodes.

Below – Keyframes are copied from the selected objects and all objects below their DAG nodes. Note that keyframes are copied from all the geometry below a picked DAG node, including any animated CVs.

Both – Includes both Above and Below.

Copy method

Keyframes – Only existing keyframes between the start and end frames are copied.

Segment – If there are no keyframes at either the start or end frames, the clipboard gets copies of all the keyframes between the start and end frames, as well as newly created keyframes at the start and end frames.


If set to Segment, and if either the start frame or the end frame lie outside the defined range of the animation, keyframes that correspond to the extrapolation setting for the curve are copied to the keyframe clipboard.

Frame range

Prompt – The system prompts you to type the start and end frames to be copied.

Option window – The start and end frames to be copied are read from the current values set in the option window.

Current – The system copies keyframes at the current frame.

Start frame/End frame

These values define the frame range from which to copy the keyframes if Option Window is selected in the Frame Range option.