Animation > Keyframe > Cut Keyframe

Sets parameters before cutting keyframes out of an animation.

Cut Keyframes Options


All – Keyframes are removed from every animatable parameter of the object.

Global – Keyframes are removed only from the parameters that are selected in the GLOBAL parameter control window.

Local – Keyframes are removed only from the parameters that are selected in the LOCAL parameter control window.


Choose Animation > Editors > Param Control to select different global and local animation parameters.


None – Keyframes are removed from only the selected objects.

Above – Keyframes are removed from the selected objects and all objects above them.

Below – Keyframes are removed from the selected objects and all objects below them. Keyframes are removed from all geometry below the picked DAG node, including any CVs.

Both – Includes both Above and Below.

Cut method

Keyframes – Only existing keyframes between the start and end frames are removed.

Any remaining animation is treated as follows:

Segment – If there are keyframes to be cut at the start and end frames, then the cut with the Segment option behaves the same as the Keyframes option.

If there are no keyframes at either the start or the end frames, then keyframe(s) will be inserted at those frames, and then all the keyframes between the start and end frames will be removed.

Any remaining animation is treated as follows:


Determines whether animation between the start and end frames should be removed completely, or just the keyframes removed.

Frame range

Prompt – The system prompts you to enter the start and end frame range to be removed.

Option window – The start and end frame range to be removed are read from the current values set in the option window.

Current – The system cuts keyframes at the current frame.

Start frame/End frame

These values define the frame range from which to remove the keyframes if Option Window is selected in the Frame Range option.