Animation > Create > New Cycles Warp

Applies a cycle of timed animation and modifies the time of the action.

Cycle Options


All – The new timewarp curve is applied to all currently animated objects.

Active – The new timewarp is applied to all picked objects.

Sets – The new timewarp is applied to all objects in the selected sets in the set lister. Choose Animation > Editors > Set Lister to display the set lister.


All – The new timewarp is applied to every channel (every animation parameter that is currently animated) of the object.

Global or Local – The new timewarp is applied only to the channels whose parameters are selected in the GLOBAL or LOCAL parameter windows.


Choose Animation > Editors > Param Control to set different global or local animation parameters.


None – The new timewarp is applied to only the selected objects.

Below – The new timewarp is applied to the selected objects, and all objects below them in the hierarchy.


For DAG nodes, CVs, and cameras, the hierarchy refers to the hierarchy as represented in the SBD window. For shaders, textures, and lights, the hierarchy refers to the implicit hierarchy in the Multi Lister.


If toggled ON (indicated by a check mark), the new timewarp cycles the segment of animation in the forward direction followed by the backwards direction. The amount of time the cycled animation occupies is doubled again.

If toggled OFF, the new timewarp repeats the segment of animation in the forward direction only.

Loop Start Frame/Loop End Frame

Defines the range of existing animation (before the timewarp is applied) that is to be affected by the timewarp (cycled).

Paste to Frame

Indicates where the range of animation between Loop Start and Loop End should be inserted on the original animation of the channel.

Between Loops

Indicates the amount of time to wait before beginning the next repetition of the cycle. This value may not be negative.


Indicates the number of times that the range of animation between Loop Start and Loop End of the original animation should be repeated.