Displays the number of animation-related attributes for selected DAG nodes.
These attributes are included in the window’s columns:
DAG node name. Edit it by double-clicking on the field.
Number of clusters affecting the node or geometry below the node.
Number of constraints affecting the node.
Number of node attributes that are animated.
For example, if only the node’s rotations are animated, channels would be 3 (X, Y, and Z).
Earliest keyframe, if there is any keyframed animation. If there isn’t, the value is 0.
Latest keyframe, if there is any keyframed animation. If there isn’t, the value is 0.
Number of parameter curves that are directly animating this node. Note that instanced curves are only counted once.
For example, if translate, rotate, and scale were animated, and a new timewarp created, Param Curves would be 10 curves (we don’t count the timewarp for every channel)
Number of expressions that directly animate the node.
Total number of keyframes in the curves that animate this node.
As with Param Curves, keyframes on instanced curves are only counted once.
Shows the nodes in DAG order, with the DAG type icon.
Sorts the nodes by type, with the DAG type icon.
Sorts by name (doesn’t show the DAG type icon).
Shows all nodes in the system.
Show all constrained nodes.
Shows all nodes that are directly clustered; that is, the node that you see as a cluster member in the cluster editor.
Shows all animated nodes.
Shows active nodes.
Shows active nodes and all nodes below them.
Highlights all rows in the window
Does a model-pick on the nodes in the selected rows. If nodes on the same branch are highlighted, the highest node is picked.