Delete > Painting > Delete Canvases

Deletes all canvases of the selected type in the scene.

To delete one canvas in a scene, pick the canvas in the Construction Plane Editor or by choosing Pick > Object , and either press the key or choose Delete > Delete Active .

To delete all canvases of a particular type, use the Delete Canvases tool. It offers the following choice of canvases for deletion:

Delete canvases options

All canvases and overlays

Choosing this option removes all canvas planes and overlay planes (planes visible only from specific view points)

All overlays

Choosing this option removes all overlay planes only.

All canvases

Choosing this option removes all canvas planes only.

Unbookmarked overlays

Choosing this option will only remove overlay planes that do not have bookmarks associated with them.


Use this tool carefully, as it does not offer an “Undo” capability.