File > Export > Rapid Prototype

Creates valid output for rapid prototyping (manifold, watertight meshes with consistent normals in .STL or .ZPR (Windows only) file formats).


In this release, texture mapping is not supported in .ZPR output.

Export Rapid Prototype Control options

File Format

The format of the output file, STL or ZPR (Windows only).


The format of the output STL file (ASCII or Binary). The default setting is Binary.

Stitch Tolerance

Controls how accurately surfaces are tessellated.

Max Edge Length

Specifies the maximum length of any triangle edge (in current linear units).

Flip Normals

Flips the mesh normal and the mesh display orientation

Create Wall Thickness

Makes the mesh solid by thickening the walls according the the Wall Thickness setting.

Wall Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the mesh walls.

Display Color

For ZPR format, displays stitch color assignments on the mesh in flat shaded mode.