File > Export > Anim

Creates a library of animation actions to be used in another model or scene.

Export Anim Options


You can choose to store just the Curves (or actions) that are used by the selected items to create animation curve libraries, or the Hierarchy as well, which stores the channels of each selected object and a description of which curves (or actions) they use.

If Curves is selected, the resulting Curve library files cannot be imported into Alias. (Alias needs both curves and hierarchy.)

If Hierarchy is selected, the AnimationSDL file can be retrieved onto picked objects using File > Import > Anim .


You can store curves for All parameters, or just those chosen in the Global or Local parameter control window (see Animation > Editors > Param Control for details).

This option also lets you store parts of a hierarchy. For example, if CV animation is disabled in the param control window, and you choose Hierarchy, everything in the hierarchy is stored except CV animations. This option also lets you avoid storing animations for animated shaders.


You can choose to write out the channels for just the object (None), the object and its ancestors (Above), the object and its descendants (Below), or the object and its ancestors and descendants (Both).

Save Joint IK

If this option is toggled ON when you save an animation for a skeleton, the IK handle information is saved for each joint of the skeleton. Additional hierarchy information associated with the handles of the skeleton is also saved.

Data Per Frame

If toggled ON, each channel is written out as linked to a single parameter curve action that is sampled in frame increments specified by the By option. This is similar to replacing the channel and possibly all its timewarp actions with a single action, as in CurveTools > Use result in the Action Window (Animation > Editors > Action Window ).

Time Range

If Data Per Frame is toggled ON, the following Time Range options are displayed. You can write out the animation on a channel for its complete range, or only within the specified time.

All – Each channel is written out as a parameter curve action defined over the complete range of the channel using the By slider.

Option Window – The channel is sampled only between the specified Start and End values, with an interval determined by the By value.
