File > Import > As Reference

Loads geometry from a WIRE file, or other supported geometry file types, into Alias as a reference (WREF file).

During the import process, Alias locates any existing reference files (WREF) previously generated from the source geometry file. If a reference file already exists, Alias loads the reference file in the viewport.

If a reference file does not exist, Alias converts the source geometry to a WREF file according to the tessellation settings in the option box (see Translate reference options). By default, WREF files are saved to the set working reference directory (see Set Reference Directory). If a reference directory is not specified, you are prompted to save the WREF files to the same directory as the source geometry.

Import Reference Options

Curve Tolerance

Chordal tolerance that controls the precision with which curves are drawn after being translated. A higher value will produce smoother reference curves.

Surface Tessellator

Choose between Fast or Accurate tessellation. Fast tessellation might ignore some local details.

Surface Tolerance

Controls how accurately surfaces are triangulated. Lower values, millimeters, create more accurate surfaces. The default value is 0.1000.