Previews the print output and sends the output to the printer or file.
Select the destination for your print output.
Send your print job to the printer selected under Print Options.
Convert the page to a PDF file.
If File is selected as the destination, select the page size for your PDF file output.
If Print is selected as the destination, set the following options for your printer output.
Select the printer from the list of available printers.
Select the page size for the print output.
When Size is Custom Paper Size, set the size in Print Properties
Opens the properties window for the selected printer, where you can choose options such as paper source and print quality.
Use the arrows to change the number of copies to be printed, or type the number of copies in the box.
Choose the orientation of the content on the page.
Print the content of the view vertically on the page.
Print the content of the view horizontally on the page.
Choose the image format of the content to be printed.
Print the content of the view as a bitmap image. Shapes are defined by pixels. Printing a raster image is quicker, but the line quality is not as good as printing vectors.
Print the content of the view as vectors. With Vector selected, shapes are defined by mathematical equations, resulting in sharper printed results.
Choose which window view to print: Camera, Top, Right, Front, Left, Back, Bottom, 4 Views, Current Layout. Any new windows you create, also appear on the list. The content of the view appears in the Preview area.
Resizes the view to fit the paper. Large views are scaled down to fit. Smaller views are scaled up.
Select Maintain Aspect Ratio to resize the view proportionally.
Enables you to resize and pan the view in the Print preview, so you can customize the layout without first closing Print or exporting to another application.
Drag the view edges to resize the view. Drag the view window to move the view on the page.
For orthographic views (Top, Right, Front, Left, Back, Bottom), select the ratio between modeling units and units on the page (for example 1:8). For actual size, select 1:1. For a scale not listed, select Custom and either enter the ratio, or a percentage.
Select the window elements to include in the printed page. For example, you can select Grid, Background, Model for Raster style printing.
To print or hide other elements (such as the wireframe, guidelines, textures), show or hide them in the window before printing.
Turn on to print window elements in color.
Adds a line around the selected View windows.
Automatically darkens colors if they are not visible on a white background.
Adjusts the draw thickness of the window elements, such as wireframes and locators, in pixels.
Set the amount of margin space surrounding the view on the page.
Select the margin units: Inches or Millimeters.
For orthographic views that are scaled, place the model on the page relative to the center of the page.
Select where to place the window on the page.
X – Align it to Left edge of the page, Center it horizontally on the page, or align it to the Right of the page.
Y – Align it to the Top edge of the page, Center it vertically on the page, or align it to the Bottom of the page.
Offsets the window from the placed position.
Create a PDF file of the contents of the view and attach it to a new email using your default email application.
If the Destination is Print, send the contents of the view to the printer
If the Destination is File, create a PDF or postscript file of the view and save it.