Controls the direction of the color ramp. The default setting is V RAMP.
Controls the way colors in the ramp are blended. The default setting is LINEAR_RAMP.
Each color component in the ramp has a circular color handle on the left side of the ramp, and a square color icon on the right side of the ramp (except for the bottom color in the ramp). The active color has a white border around its color handle. The Position and Ramp Color parameters apply to the active color only. That is, to edit a color component’s Position value or Ramp Color, you must first click its color handle to make it the active color component.
Only changes in Ramp Type, Interpolation, Position, and Ramp Color are actually displayed in the ramp. Changes in all parameters are displayed in the Multi-lister swatch.
The position of the active color component in the ramp. The valid/slider range is 0 (bottom of ramp) to 1 (top of ramp).
The color or intensity of the active color component. Only one of these parameters (Ramp Color or Intensity) is available for a particular ramp texture. If the Ramp texture is mapped to a three-channel parameter (for example, Color), then the Ramp Color parameter is available. If the Ramp texture is mapped to a single-channel parameter (for example, Bump), then the Intensity parameter is available. The slider range for Intensity is 0 to 1.
Controls the amplitude of a sine wave offset of the texture in the U and V directions. Increasing the Uwave or Vwave value makes the texture appear increasingly wavy. The slider range is 0 (no wave) to 1. The default value is 0.
To increase the number of waves in the texture, increase the Urepeat or Vrepeat values.
The amount that the texture is offset in the U and V directions by two-dimensional noise. If the texture repeats (the Urepeat value or Vrepeat value are greater than 1), the noise will not repeat. That is, each instance of the texture will be unique. The slider range is 0 (no noise) to 1. The default value is 0.
Controls how fine-grained the noise is (if the Noise value is non-zero). The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 0.5.
The HSV Color Noise parameters allow you to modulate the texture color using three separate two-dimensional noises which affect the color’s hue, saturation, and value. If the Ramp texture is mapped to a single-channel parameter (for example, Bump), the Value Noise parameters (Val Noise and Noise Freq.) replace the HSV Color Noise parameters.
Offsets the color hue (mottles the color). The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 0.
Offsets the color saturation with “whiteness” (creates a weathered look). The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 0.
Offsets the color value with “blackness.” The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 0.
Controls the graininess of hue, saturation, and value noise. For each non-zero Freq. value, additional calculations are involved that slow down rendering. The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 0.5.