How to use an image as a new canvas plane by importing, cutting and pasting, or dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer.
Click the view you want to load an image file into.
Choose File > Import > Canvas Image
to open the option box.
Set Layer Type to Image.
Turn on Always create New Canvas .
Click Go.
The File Browser opens
Use the File Browser to select the image file you want to load and click Select.
The image is loaded in the active view as a new canvas plane.
If importing a Photoshop PSD file, all the layers are imported as image layers in the canvas, with the same names.
In another application, load or select the image you want to use and copy it to the Windows clipboard (for example, choose Edit > Copy).
In Alias, click the view you want to paste the image file into.
Choose Edit > Paste Image .
The image is pasted in the active view as a new layer. If no canvas plane was picked, a new canvas will be created to contain the image. If a canvas plane was picked , the image will be on a new image layer on that canvas.
Drag the images from Windows Explorer and drop them into Alias.
The images are imported as new canvas layers in the active view.
If there is no canvas plane in the active view, a new canvas plane is automatically created. Also, If there is no active view window, the images are not imported.
In Utilities > Plug-in Manager , turn on canvasFileImport.
Choose File > Import > Alias Paint Canvas .
Alias now supports global masking. Alias Paint mask layers will be imported as separate mask layers in the bottom part of Alias’s Canvas Layer Editor.
Only image layers and mask layers will be imported from an Alias Paint file — no brushes, shapes, colors, or shelves will be imported.