Subdivision > Align to Curve

Aligns selected CVs and associated edges on a subdivision body to any type of curve, including free curves, curves on a surface or isoparms on a surface.

You can use this tool to align selected CV's to curves in the following ways:


Specifies the type of curve that drives alignment when you choose to automatically align selected CVs. Select Degree 1, Degree 2, or Degree 3. Use these options when automatically aligning CVs or when the tool generates the curve for the alignment.

Projection Type

Specifies the way the alignment curves get projected onto the subdivision surface.

Closest - Aligns CVs at the closest projection point between the CVs starting location and the alignment curve.

Uniform - Uniformly aligns CVs along the curve based on the selected Distribution Type.

Distribution Type

Specifies method used to space the subdivision CVs when aligning to a curve or surface boundary.

Parametric - Distributes the divisions along the curve using parametric space.

Arc Length - Distributes CV's so they most accurately follow the curvature of the alignment curve. This means that CVs are spaced closer in areas where the arc of the alignment curve is greater or tighter.

Flow Control

Modify Range

When on, you can specify which sections of the curve or edge you want driving the alignment. Use the in-canvas manipulators or the Start and End slider controls to make this adjustment.

Control Options

Create History

Turn on to maintain the construction history on the curve when you use an existing curve for alignment or select the Generate Curve method to align CVs. When off, you cannot use the Generate Curve method to align CVs.


Starting in Alias 2022.2 Update, you can use the Replace and Replace Multiple commands in the History Visualizer to replace the curve inputs to the Subdiv Align to Curve tool. This means, you can easily swap out the curves you are using to align subdivision CVs to quickly change the alignment results. Note that you cannot use the Replace command to change the selected CVs or the parent subdivision object. See Modify construction history by replacing input geometry.