Surfaces > Swept Surfaces > Extrude

Creates a new surface by extruding a generation curve along a path curve. Normally used to make tubular objects with symmetrical cross sections.

Extrude Options


Tube – As the profile curve sweeps along the path, it pivots to maintain the same angle to the path curve.

Flat – As the profile curve sweeps along the path, it maintains its original orientation.

Create caps

Caps can be created at the ends of the surfaces if the extruded objects are closed planar curves.

Off – Do not create caps at the ends of the extruded surface.

Cap Start – Create a trimmed surface to cap the first end of the extruded surface.

Cap Both – Create trimmed surfaces to cap both ends of the extruded surface.

Extrude Pivot

This option controls which pivot point to use when you are extruding more than one profile curve.

This option appears when Style is Tube.

Closest – Pivot the profile curves around the endpoint of the path curve closest to the bounding box of all the profile curves.

This option is the default. It works best when you have a profile curve near the start or end points of the path curve.

Component – Pivot each curve around its own individual pivot point.

This option works best when you want to extrude text.

Create History

Save the history of the new surface for later editing. If you turn Create History on, you can modify the curves that were used to create the surface, and the surface will update.


If you have an extrude history command built from a face (created prior to Alias 13) the caps will be lost if you update the history.