Surfaces > Primitives > Torus

Creates a NURBS torus (donut shape).

Torus Options


The degrees of rotation around the center of radial primitives.

For example, if you enter 180 degrees in the sphere tool, Alias creates a hemisphere.


Size can be either Absolute or Relative, and determines which of the following parameters can be set.

Major radius

The distance between the center of the ring and the center of the tube. This option is only available if Size is set to Absolute.

Minor radius

The radius of the tube. This option is only available if Size is set to Absolute.

Ring Thickness

The diameter of the ring relative to the diameter of the entire torus. This option is only available if Size is set to Relative.

As the ring thickness approaches 0.5, the hole gets smaller. At 0.5 the torus has no hole. See the following figure.