To Change the Height of a Stair

Use this procedure to change the height of a stair. You can also change the stair height on the Properties palette.

Changing the height of a stair using grips

  1. Select the stair in an isometric view.
  2. Select the Height grip, move the grip until the value you want is displayed, and click once.

    After selecting a grip, you can also enter a precise value to increase or decrease the height of the stair.

    Note: If you edit the height of a stair with landings, so that a landing would be below the new height, the landing is not displayed. If you edit the height again, and move it to a location above the previous landing, the landing is no longer there. To retain the stair path, which includes the landing, use the AecStairFit command to set Automatic Landings to No.