To Create a Stair Tool

Use this procedure to create a stair tool and add it to a tool palette. You may want to create your own stair tools if you are placing multiple stairs of a specific style and they all have the same property.

  1. Open the tool palette on which you want to add a tool.
  2. Create the tool:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a tool from a stair in the drawing select the stair, and drag it to the tool palette.
    create a tool from a stair style in the Style Manager Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager. Locate the style you want to copy, and drag it to the tool palette. Click OK to close the Style Manager.
    copy a tool in the current tool palette right-click the tool, and click Copy. Right-click, and click Paste.
    copy a tool from another tool palette open the other tool palette, right-click the tool, and click Copy. Reopen the palette where you want to add the tool, right-click, and click Paste.
    copy a tool from a tool catalog open the catalog in the Content Browser, and locate the tool you want to copy. Position the cursor over the i-drop handle, and drag the tool to the tool palette.
  3. Right-click the new tool, and click Properties.
  4. Enter a name for the tool.
  5. Click the setting for Description, enter a description of the tool, and click OK.

    This description is used as the tooltip on the tool palette, and to describe the tool if it is stored in a tool catalog.

  6. Expand Basic, and expand General.
  7. Click next to Description, enter a description of the stair created from this tool, and click OK.
  8. Specify a layer key and any layer key overrides if you do not want to use the layer assignments specified in the layer key style used in the drawing.
  9. Select a stair style.
    Note: If a multi-landing or u-shaped stair is selected, the turn type can be set. If the turn type is 1/2 or 1/4 turn, the winder style can be set.
  10. Select the drawing file containing the style used for this stair.
  11. Click OK.