Use this procedure to edit divisions using in-place editing with the Edit Grid grip. With in-place editing, you can edit the door/window assembly directly and interactively in the drawing area, and later save the changes to the door/window assembly or door/window assembly style.
If you want to… | Then… |
edit this instance of the door/window assembly | click | .
edit the door/window assembly style | click Revert to Style Design Rules. If this option is not available, the design rules are already style-based for the door/window assembly. |
For example, if you want to edit the primary grid, select an edge on the outer door/window assembly frame.
Viewing Edit In Place grips
If you want to… | Then… |
add a bay to the grid | click the Add Bay grip. |
remove a bay from the grid | click the Remove Bay grip. |
change the start offset of the grid | select the Start Offset grip and move it to the appropriate position. |
change the end offset of the grid | select the End Offset grip and move it to the appropriate position. |
change the spacing of bays | click the Auto Grid Bay Spacing grip and move it to the appropriate position. |
manually edit the grid | Click | . You can manually add and remove gridlines, change the offsets, and change the position of individual gridlines.
use a worksheet to edit the cell dimensions | click the Set Fixed Cell Dimension Rules command grip, and edit the values in the worksheet. |
If you want to… | Then… |
exit the in-place editing session without saving your changes | click | .
exit the in-place editing session after saving your changes | click | . If you edited the grid by instance, the changes are saved to the design rules for the individual grid. If you edited the door/window assembly style, the Save Changes dialog box is displayed.
If you want to… | Then… |
save the changes to the style in the current door/window assembly division | verify the current division is selected for Save Changes to Existing Division, and click Save. The changes are made in the style and affect all door/window assemblies of that style in the drawing. |
create an override to the style by saving the changes in a new door/window assembly division | click New, enter a name for the new division override, and click OK. Click Save. The changes are saved as an override to the style, and affect only the door/window assemblies to which the override is applied. |