To Create a Column Grid

Use this procedure to add a column grid from a column grid tool. Column grids can be either rectangular or radial.

Rectangular grid

Radial grid

  1. Open the tool palette that you want to use, and select a structural column grid tool.

    Alternatively, you can click Home tabBuild panelColumn Grid drop-downColumn Grid.

  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic General.
  3. Select a shape, either Rectangular or Radial.
  4. Expand Dimensions.
  5. If you have selected a rectangular grid shape, specify the settings:
    If you want to… Then…
    define the width of the grid expand Dimensions, and enter a value for X - Width.
    define the depth of the grid expand Dimensions, and enter a value for Y - Depth.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the X direction expand X Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay size along the X direction expand X Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay size.
    specify the offset distance from the start point along the X direction of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for Start offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    specify the offset distance from the end point along the X direction of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for End offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay size along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay size.
    specify the offset distance from the start point along the Y direction of the grid expand Y Axis, and enter a value for Start offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    specify the offset distance from the end point along the Y direction of the grid expand Y Axis, and enter a value for End offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
  6. If you have selected a radial grid shape, specify the settings:
    If you want to… Then…
    define the width of the grid expand Dimensions, and enter a value for X - Width.
    define the angle of the grid expand Dimensions, and enter a value for A - Angle.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the X direction expand X Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay size along the X direction expand X Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay size.
    specify the inside radius of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for Inside radius.
    specify the offset distance from the end point along the X direction of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for End offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay angle along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay angle.
    specify the offset angle from the start angle along the X direction grid curve expand Y Axis, and enter a value for Start angle offset. The offset angle may be used to reduce the grid size.
    specify the offset angle from the end angle along the X direction grid curve expand Y Axis, and enter a value for End angle offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the grid size.
  7. To add columns to the grid intersection during insertion, expand Column, and specify a style for the structural member.

    If you choose to add columns, you can specify the dimensions of the column:

    • Start offset
    • End offset
    • Logical length
    • Justify
    • Justify using overall extents
    Tip: After specifying the desired settings, you can move or hide the Properties palette to expose more of the drawing area.
  8. In the drawing area, specify the insertion point of the column grid.
  9. Specify the rotation angle of the grid, and press Enter.
  10. Continue adding column grids, and press Enter.