To Add a Shape to a Structural Member

Use this procedure to add one or more shapes to a structural member in the design rules of the structural member style. You can create a new shape to add to the structural member by creating a custom shape, or by creating a new style from the Structural Member Catalog that contains a shape.

  1. Create a structural member with a single shape.
  2. Create a new shape to add to the structural member:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a custom shape for the member create a custom shape.
    create a shape from the Structural Member Catalog create a structural member style in the Structural Member Catalog that contains the shape.
  3. Select the structural member.
  4. Click Structural Member tabGeneral panelEdit Style drop-downEdit Style.
  5. Click the Design Rules tab.
  6. Click Add.

    A new component is added to the structural member.

  7. Type a name for each component under Component.
  8. For the new component, from the Name list under Start Shape, select the shape that you created in step 2.

    If you created a custom shape in step 2, the name of the shape is displayed in the Name list. If you created a style from the Structural Member Catalog, the shape is displayed in the Name list with the name of the shape that you selected in the catalog to create the style, not with the style name that you typed.

  9. Click OK.
  10. The structural member is redrawn with the new shape added to its geometry.