To Subtract a Profile From a Wall Intersection Component

Use this procedure to modify a wall intersection by subtracting a profile from a component. The profile can be any polyline-enclosed area that overlaps the component.

  1. Select the wall segment with the wall intersection to modify.
  2. Click Wall tabCleanup panelCleanup Edit In Place.

    Vertex and Edge grips display for the first wall component, based upon the wall style index.

  3. Select the component from which you want to subtract the profile.

    You can subtract profiles from more than one component at a time. Press Esc to clear component selection.

  4. Click Edit In Place tabModify panelSubtract.
  5. Select a profile to remove.
  6. Enter Y to erase selected linework, or N to keep it.
  7. Exit the edit-in-place session:
    If you want to... Then...
    Discard any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelCancel.
    Save any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelFinish.

    In the following example, profiles are subtracted from facing components to create cutout reveal conditions.