To Draw a Rectangular Space

Use this procedure to draw a non-associative rectangular 2D or extruded 3D space.

  1. Open the tool palette that contains the Space tool you want to use, and select it.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click Home tabBuild panelSpace drop-downSpace.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic, and expand General.
  3. For Create type, select Rectangle.
    Note: For spaces with the Create type of Insert, Rectangle, or Polygon, the Associative setting is always No.
  4. Expand Component Dimensions.
  5. Specify the geometry type of the new space:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a 2D space select 2D from the list.
    create an extruded 3D space select Extrusion from the list.
  6. In the drawing area, specify the start point of the space, and drag and click to define the opposite corner.
  7. Continue adding spaces, and press Enter.