To Create a Slab/Roof Slab With User-Specified Settings

Use this procedure to create a slab or roof slab with settings that you specify.

  1. Open the Design tool palette, and select the Slab tool or the Roof Slab tool.

    (You may have to scroll to display the desired tool.)

    Note: You can also access Slab and Roof Slab tools from the Build panel on the ribbon’s Home tab.
  2. On the Properties palette, click the Design tab, expand Basic, and expand General.
  3. Under Style, select a slab or roof slab style.
  4. Specify a value for Bound Spaces:
    If you want to… Then…
    allow the slab or roof slab to be used as a bounding object for associative spaces select Yes.
    prevent the slab or roof slab from being used as a bounding object for associative spaces select No.
    use the bounding settings from the slab or roof slab style select By Style.
  5. Select Projected or Direct for Mode.

    If you select Projected, the X,Y coordinates of the first point you specify are projected to a Z value of the current base height. This establishes the insertion point. The second point establishes the baseline. All subsequent points are projected onto a plane established by the baseline and the specified slope angle. This mode is provided for architects who wish to lay out a slab or roof slab by tracing over a plan drawing.

    If you select Direct, the points you specify become the vertices of the slab perimeter.

  6. Expand Dimensions.
  7. Enter a value for Thickness.
  8. Enter a value for the vertical offset distance from the insertion point for Vertical Offset.
  9. Enter a value for the horizontal offset distance from the insertion point for Horizontal Offset.
  10. Select the justification:
    If you want to align the … Then, for Justify,…
    top of the slab or roof slab with the first specified point select Top.
    center of the slab or roof slab with the first specified point select Center.
    bottom of the slab or roof slab with the first specified point select Bottom.
    slopeline of the slab or roof slab with the first specified point select Slopeline.
    Note: This justification is used only for inserting a slab or roof slab and is not retained as a parameter of the inserted object. Justification is intended primarily for Direct mode.

    The slopeline is the position of the slab or roof slab baseline relative to its bottom face. The thickness offset in the style determines the distance between the baseline and the bottom face.

  11. Enter a value for the height of the slab or roof slab insertion point for Base Height.

    This is available only when you select Projected mode.

  12. Select a direction, or define how the slab or roof slab is drawn relative to the baseline.
  13. Enter a value for the depth of the overhang for Overhang.
  14. Select a style for Perimeter edge.
  15. If you selected the Projected mode, expand Slope, and enter values for Rise, Run, or Angle to define the slope of the slab or roof slab.
  16. Specify the start point of the slab or roof slab.

    The start point is the insertion point and the start of the baseline. The start point also determines the location of the default pivot point for the slab or roof slab.

  17. Specify a second point to define the first edge (baseline).
  18. Specify further points to establish the vertices of the slab or roof slab perimeter:
    If you want to… Then…
    close the perimeter by drawing two edges that meet at a right angle specify a point in the direction in which the perimeter is to close; then enter o (for Ortho). The edge is extended until it meets another edge perpendicular to the first edge.
    close the perimeter by adding an edge from the previous point to the start point of the baseline enter c (for Close).
  19. Continue to place slabs or roof slabs, and press Enter when finished.