To Add a Component From Another Slab or Roof Slab Style

Use this procedure to copy a slab or roof slab component from one style and add it to another style of the same type that you are creating or editing.

Tip: Only the first 20 components of a slab or roof slab style are controlled by the display system. It is suggested that you limit the number of components to 20, since any additional components would be controlled by material assignment only.
  1. Open a tool palette that has a slab or roof slab tool, right-click the tool, and click Slab Styles or Roof Slab Styles.
    Note: Alternatively, you can select a slab or roof slab in the drawing, and click Slab Styles or Roof Slab Styles from the Edit Style drop-down on the General panel of ribbon’s contextual menu.
  2. Select the style that contains the component you want to copy:
    If you want to … Then …
    view the components for a style in the current drawing in the left pane of the Style Manager, select a style. The right pane lists the components and their properties and displays the style in the viewer.
    view the components for a style in another drawing click , navigate to the drawing you want, click Open, and then select a style in the left pane of the Style Manager.
  3. On the Components tab for the selected style, right-click the desired component, and click Copy.
  4. In the left pane of the Style Manager, select the style to which you want to add the component:
  5. Move the cursor onto the Components tab, right-click, and click Paste.

    You can now edit or delete the new components as needed.

  6. Click OK to save the style with the new component.