Use this procedure to specify the display of stair components in plan view depending on their occurrence above or below the cut plane elevation. You can specify the above cut plane, up, and down component properties for each type of stair component.
Cut Plane Elevation Display Properties
Take a look at the display properties for these kinds of stair components.
Select the stair and clickThere are components to support the representation of stair components above the cut plane elevation so that the down stair components are only used to display the stair components that occur below the current level.
For stairs created in versions of Autodesk Architectural Desktop earlier than 2004, the Override Display Configuration Cut Plane option is selected by default. In the current version, this option is cleared by default, and the display of stair components is handled automatically by specific display configurations for each level.
When the Override Display Configuration Cut Plane option is selected, the cut height elevation is measured from the bottom of each stair run. The up display components and the above cut plane display components above the current level are displayed, and the down display components are not.
Specifying cut plane elevation with display configuration override
When the Override Display Configuration Cut Plane option is cleared, the cut height elevation is measured from the current level. The up display components above the current level are displayed, as are the down display components below the current level.
Specifying cut plane elevation without display configuration override
Specifying Stair Display at Different Levels
The following procedure provides an example of how to specify the display of stair components at different levels in a stair tower.
Create a U-shaped stair, 5’-0” (1520 mm) wide and 12’-0” (3650 mm) high to represent the lobby stairs.The following illustration shows how the stair tower should appear with added floor slabs in a 3D view:
3D view of stair tower
The following illustration shows how the levels should appear in an elevation view:
Elevation view of stair tower
Stair display components at first floor
The up display components above the first floor are displayed, as are the above cut plane display components, in outline with a dashed linetype.
Stair display components at second floor
The up display components above the second floor are displayed, as are the down display components below the second floor.
Stair display components at third floor
The up display components above the third floor are displayed, as are the down display components below the third floor.
Stair display components at roof level
Only the down display components below the roof level are displayed.