To Change a Structural Member Trim Plane

After you add one or more trim planes to a structural member, you can change the orientation of the trim planes. You can also grip-edit trim planes to move and rotate them.

  1. Select the structural member you want to change.
  2. Click Structural Member tabModify panelTrim Planes.
  3. Change any of the trim plane settings:
    If you want to… Then…
    change the start or end offset of the trim plane select Start or End under Offset.
    change the trim plane offset in the X direction along the extruded axis of the member change the X value for Offset.
    change the trim plane offset in the Y and Z directions to position the trim plane perpendicular to the extruded axis of the member change the Y and Z values for Offset.
    change the rotation of the trim plane around the Y or Z axis change Y and Z values for Rotation.
    Note: If you rotate a trim plane between 90 and 270 degrees, the opposite end of the structural member is completely removed.
  4. Click OK.