To Change the Edges of a Slab/Roof Slab

Use this procedure to edit one or more edges of a slab or roof slab.

For each selected edge, you can change the overhang, style, cut (square or plumb), and angle. A viewer box shows you which edge(s) of the slab you are editing.

  1. Select the slab or roof slab to be modified.
    If the object selected is… Then…
    a slab click Slab tabEdge panelEdit.
    a roof slab click Roof Slab tabEdge panelEdit.
  2. Select the edges to be modified, and press Enter.
  3. In the Edit Slab Edges or Edit Roof Slab Edges worksheet, in the list of edges, select the edge to edit. To modify multiple edges using the same values, press and hold Ctrl while selecting each edge.
    Note: Beginning with Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007, the individual segments or facets making up a curved edge are no longer listed as separate edges on this worksheet. Each arc on the perimeter of a slab or roof slab is treated as a single edge.

    The selected edges are highlighted in the viewer in the right pane of the worksheet.

  4. Enter a value for Overhang.
  5. Select a slab edge style.
  6. Select Square or Plumb for Edge Cut.
  7. Enter a value for Angle.

    To reset the angle to the slab or roof slab style defaults, right-click the edge number, and click Reset to Style Defaults. This option is available only if an edge style has been assigned, and the value for Angle is different than the default.

  8. If desired, select additional edges from the list and edit them as described above.
  9. When edits are completed for all edges, click OK.