To Change the Constraints of a Spiral Stair

Use this procedure to control what constrains the spiral stair by specifying the total degrees or the number of degrees per tread to use. These fields are available only when you select a spiral-shaped stair to modify.

  1. Double-click a spiral stair to open the Properties palette.
  2. Click the Design tab, expand Basic, and expand Dimensions.
  3. Specify the arc constraint:
    If you want to… Then…
    display the spiral stair with no constraint select Free for Arc constraint.
    specify the total degrees for the stair flight select Total degrees for Arc constraint, and enter a value for Arc angle.
    specify the specific degree for each tread in the stair select Degrees per tread for Arc constraint, and enter a value for Arc angle.
  4. Specify the Radius of the stair.

    The radius is measured from the center point of the spiral stair to the selected justification point.