To Specify Space Boundary Offsets in a Space Style

Use this procedure to define the offsets of the net, usable, and gross boundaries of a space from the base boundary in the space style. Space boundary offsets can also be set manually. When the net, usable, and gross boundaries of a space are determined manually, they can be grip-edited. When they are determined from the space style, they cannot be grip-edited.

Space boundaries by style

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  2. Expand Architectural Objects Space Styles.
  3. Select the space style that you want to change.
  4. Click the Design Rules tab.
  5. Specify the distance to offset the net, usable, and gross boundaries from the base boundary:
    If you want to… Then…
    offset the net boundary from the base boundary enter a value for Net Offset.
    Note: In many calculations, the net boundary is identical to the base boundary. If you enter 0 for the Net Offset, the net boundary is not offset from the base boundary.
    offset the usable boundary from the base boundary enter a value for Usable Offset.
    offset the gross boundary from the base boundary enter a value for Gross Offset.
  6. Click OK.