To Create a Ceiling Grid Tool

Use this procedure to create a ceiling grid tool and add it to a tool palette. You may want to create your own ceiling grid tools if you are placing multiple ceiling grids of a specific style, and they all have the same properties.

  1. Open the tool palette on which you want to add a tool.
  2. Create the tool:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a tool from a ceiling grid in the drawing select the object, and drag it to the tool palette.
    copy a tool in the current tool palette right-click the tool, and click Copy. Right-click, and click Paste.
    copy a tool from another tool palette open the other palette, right-click the tool, and click Copy. Reopen the palette where you want to add the tool, right-click, and click Paste.
    copy a tool from a tool catalog click Home tabBuild panelTools drop-downContent Browser , and locate the tool you want to copy. Position the cursor over the i-drop handle, and drag the tool to the tool palette.
  3. Right-click the new tool, and click Properties.
  4. Enter a name for the tool.
  5. Click the setting for Description, enter a description of the tool, and click OK.
  6. Expand Basic, and expand General.
  7. Click the setting for Description, enter a description of the ceiling grid created from this tool, and click OK.
  8. Specify a layer key and any layer key overrides if you do not want to use the layer assignments specified in the layer key style used in the drawing.
  9. Specify the settings for the dimensions of the grid.
  10. Click OK.