The value of a an object's property can be set and retrieved using ActiveX functions.
For example, this function call prompts you to pick a center point for a circle, then invokes the AddCircle method to draw the circle. The vlax-3d-point function converts the point you pick into the data type required by vla-addcircle.
(setq 3dpt (vlax-3d-point (getpoint "\nPick the center point for a circle: ")) (setq myCircle (vla-addcircle mspace 3dpt 2.0))
For example, use vla-get-center of a Circle object to draw concentric circles.
(vla-addCircle mSpace (vla-get-center myCircle) 1.0)
(setq myCenter (vla-get-center myCircle))
The center point is returned in a variant of type safearray. The safearray contains three doubles (X, Y, and Z coordinates).
(setq centerpt (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value myCenter)))
Converting the center point from a variant safearray to a list makes it easier to modify the coordinates.
(setq newXaxis (- (car centerpt) 1))
The result is saved in variable newXaxis.
(setq newcenter (list newXaxis (cadr centerpt) (caddr centerpt)))
The constructed list is saved in variable newcenter.
(vla-put-center myCircle (vlax-3d-point newcenter))
Note that this command uses vlax-3d-point to convert the new center point list into the data type required by vla-put-center.
The AutoCAD drawing window shows the result: