The AutoCAD environment provides several system variables that can be used to get the current system date\time along with date\time related information about the current drawing.
Getting the current system date\time can be helpful when populating a date field in a title block, while calculating elapsed time can be beneficial when you want to let a user know how long a process took to complete or provide a basic return on investment (ROI) analysis for a custom program. Date\time values in the AutoCAD environment are stored as real numbers, and those values represent dates\times in two different formats; Gregorian Calendar and Modified Julian Date. The integer part of the real number (what is to the left of the decimal) represents a date, while the fraction part of the real number (what is to the right of the decimal) represents time.
For example, the following is an example of the current system date\time returned by the CDATE system variable:
20170306 = Date: 03/06/2017
15023500 = Time: 3:02:25:00 P.M.
This section lists the system variables that are related to getting the current system date\time or date\time values associated with the current drawing.
When using the GETVAR function to obtain the value of a system variable that stores a real number, the value when output to the Command prompt is displayed in scientific notation. While scientific notation makes it easier for the AutoCAD program to present large decimal numbers, it doesn't make it easier to read or understand. The RTOS function can be used to display all significant digits of a real number returned by the GETVAR function.
Command: (getvar "cdate") 2.01703e+07 Command: (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 6) "20170306.175302"
The real number stored in CDATE represents the current system date and time in coded decimal format; converting that real number to a string makes it much easier to extract specific digits. Using the SUBSTR function, a portion of a string can be returned.
Command: (setq cdate_val (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 6)) "20170306.175302" Command: (substr cdate_val 1 4) "2017"
The following breaks down the significance of each digit:
The following sample code shows an example of a function that you might use to extract the different date and time parts of the value returned by CDATE:
; Returns or outputs the current date and time ; bOutput = T - Output the string to the Command prompt ; bOutput = nil - Return a string in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format ; Usage: (CurDate T) ; Usage: (CurDate nil) (defun CurDate (bOuput / cdate_val YYYY M D HH MM SS) ; Get the current date/time (setq cdate_val (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)) ; Break up the string into its separate date and time parts (setq YYYY (substr cdate_val 1 4) M (substr cdate_val 5 2) D (substr cdate_val 7 2) HH (substr cdate_val 10 2) MM (substr cdate_val 12 2) SS (substr cdate_val 14 2) ) ; Output the current date and time to the Command ; prompt or return the formatted output as a string (if bOuput (progn (prompt (strcat "\nDate: " M "/" D "/" YYYY "\nTime: " HH ":" MM ":" SS ) ) (princ) ) (strcat M "/" D "/" YYYY " " HH ":" MM ":" SS) ) )
The output or return value of the CurDate function will look similar to the following:
(CurDate T) Date: 02/14/2017 Time: 14:38:57 (CurDate nil) "02/14/2017 14:39:04"
All other date\time related system variables store time in the Modified Julian Date format with the exceptions of CDATE and MILLISECS. The date part of the Modified Julian Date format is the integer part of the number (what is to the left of the decimal) and it represents the number of days since Noon on January 1, 4713 BC, while time is the decimal fraction part of the number (what is to the right of the decimal) and it represents the time that has elapsed since Midnight which can be calculated by multiplying the decimal fraction by 86,400.
The calculations required to convert a value in Modified Julian Date format to something more meaningful can be complex, but there are five date\time related AutoLISP functions in the Express Tools that can be helpful. The date\time related functions are only available after the Julian.lsp file has been loaded into the AutoCAD environment, which can be done by using the DATE command or AutoLISP LOAD function.
These are the date\time related AutoLISP functions that are available after the Julian.lsp file is loaded:
The following are examples of the JTOC and JTOD functions:
Command: (jtoc (getvar "date")) (2017 2 22 9 21 27.0) Command: (rtos (jtod (getvar "date")) 2 6) "20170222.092127"
The calculation of elapsed time can be accomplished by subtracting two different date and time, or just time only values. Based on the precision needed, you can use the value stored in the CDATE or MILLISECS system variables. For very small changes in time, fractions of a second, the value stored in the MILLISECS system variable would be best.
Command: (setq start (getvar "MILLISECS")) 25494432 Command: (setq end (getvar "MILLISECS")) 25499471 Command: (- end start) 5039
The following sample code shows an example of a function that can be used to get the difference between two values that represent different start and end times in milliseconds:
; Takes two values that represent milliseconds and returns ; the difference as an integer/long or double/float ; ; bMilliseconds = T - Return value as milliseconds ; bMilliseconds = nil - Return value as seconds ; ; Usage: (TimeDiff T1 T2 T) - Milliseconds example ; Usage: (TimeDiff T1 T2 nil) - Seconds example (defun TimeDiff (nStart nEnd bReturnMilliseconds / nDiff) ; Get the time difference (if (> nStart nEnd) (setq nDiff (- nStart nEnd)) (setq nDiff (- nEnd nStart)) ) ; Return the time difference in milliseconds or seconds (if (= bReturnMilliseconds nil) (/ nDiff 1000.0) nDiff ) )
The return value of the TimeDiff function might look similar to the following:
(setq T1 24092498) (setq T2 24188267) (TimeDiff T1 T2 T) 95769 (TimeDiff T1 T2 nil) 95.769