To Create Drawing Views from AutoCAD 3D Models

Create base, orthogonal, and isometric projected views from 3D solids and surfaces in model space.

  1. At the bottom right of the drawing area, click the tab corresponding to the layout you intend to create the base view on.
    Tip: If the layout contains a viewport, we recommend that you delete it before you proceed.
  2. Click Home tabView panel Base drop-downFrom Model Space. Find

    Entire model space is selected and a preview of the base view appears at the cursor. To create the base view for selected objects only:

    1. Click Drawing View Creation tabSelect panelModel Space Selection. Find
    2. SHIFT-click the objects you don't want to include in the base view.
      Tip: If you accidently removed an object that you didn't intend to, click the object. The object is selected for the base view.
    3. Press ENTER to return to the layout.
  3. In the Orientation panel of the Drawing View Creation contextual ribbon tab, select the orientation for the base view.
  4. In the Appearance panel, specify the scale and view style.
  5. Click in the drawing area to indicate the location to place the base view and press ENTER. A preview of a projected view appears at the cursor.
  6. Note: You can change the properties of the base view using the ribbon until you press ENTER.
  7. Move the preview to the desired location and click. Repeat until all the required projected views are created.
    Note: As you move the preview, the orientation of the projected view changes to reflect its relationship to the base view.
  8. Click Drawing View Creation tabCreate panelOK. Find