To Work With Arcs

To create an arc, you can specify various combinations of center, endpoint, start point, radius, angle, chord length, and direction values.

Draw the Arc in a Clockwise Direction

By default, arcs are drawn in a counterclockwise direction. Hold down the Ctrl key as you drag to draw in a clockwise direction.

Draw an Arc by Specifying Three Points

  1. Click Home tabDraw panel Arc drop-down 3-Point. Find
  2. Specify the start point.
  3. Specify a point on the arc.
  4. Specify the endpoint.

Draw an Arc Using a Start Point, a Center Point, and an Endpoint

  1. Click Home tabDraw panel Arc drop-down Start, Center, End. Find
  2. Specify a start point.
  3. Specify the center point.
  4. Specify the endpoint.

Continue an Arc with a Tangential Line

  1. Complete the arc.
  2. Click Home tabDraw panelLine. Find
  3. Press Enter at the first prompt.
  4. Enter the length of the line and press Enter.

Continue an Arc with a Tangential Arc

  1. Complete the arc.
  2. Click Home tab Draw panel Arc drop-down Continue. Find
  3. Specify the second endpoint of the tangent arc.