OSOPTIONS (System Variable)

Controls whether objects snaps are suppressed on hatch objects, geometry with negative Z values when using dynamic UCS, or dimension extension lines.

Type: Bitcode
Saved in: Registry
Initial value: 7

The setting is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the following values:




Object snaps operate on patterned hatch objects, on geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS, and on endpoints of dimension extension lines.

A REGEN is required for snapping to hatch intersections after changing to this setting.

A REGEN is recommended for performance reasons after changing from this setting to a value that includes 1.


Object snaps ignore hatch objects.


Object snaps ignore geometry with negative Z values during use of a dynamic UCS. (Not available in AutoCAD LT.)


Object snaps ignore endpoints of dimension extension lines.

Note: In AutoCAD LT, the default value is 5.