To Work With Trimming Surfaces

Trim a Surface

  1. Click Surface tabCreate panelTrim. Find
  2. Select the surface and press Enter.
  3. Select the cutting curves and press Enter.
  4. Select the surface areas to remove and press Enter.

    The selected areas are remove d.

Trim a Surface to a Projected Curve

Use this procedure to use geometry that visually intersects a surface from the current view as a cutting edge for trimming.

  1. Click Surface tabProject Geometry panelAuto Trim. Find
  2. Click Surface tabProject Geometry panelProject to View. Find
  3. Select the object to project onto the surface and press Enter.
  4. Select a surface as the target and press Enter.

Restore a Trimmed Surface

Use this procedure to restore geometry that was trimmed using SURFTRIM.

  1. Click Surface tabCreate panelUntrim. Find
  2. Select a visible part of the surface and press Enter.

    The trimmed areas are replaced.

Note: When you trim a surface multiple times, you may lose some of the original trimming edges. In this case, some untrim actions may not be possible.