Text Style Dialog Box

STYLE (Command) Find

Creates, modifies, or sets named text styles.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Current Text Style

Lists the current text style.


Displays the list of styles in the drawing. A icon before the style name indicates that the style is annotative.

Style List Filter

The drop-down list specifies whether all styles or only the styles in use are displayed in the styles list.


Displays sample text that changes dynamically as you change fonts and modify the effects.


Changes the style's font.

Note: If you change the orientation or font file of an existing text style, all text objects with that style use the new values when the drawing is regenerated.
Font Name

Lists the font family name for all registered TrueType fonts and all compiled shape (SHX) fonts in the Fonts folder.

When you select a name from the list, the program reads the file for the specified font. The file's character definitions are loaded automatically unless the file is already in use by another text style. You can define several styles that use the same font. For more information, see “Assign Text Fonts”.

Font Style

Specifies font character formatting, such as italic, bold, or regular. When Use Big Font is selected, this option changes to Big Font Name and is used to select a Big Font file name.

Use Big Font

Specifies an Asian-language Big Font file. Only SHX files are valid file types for creating Big Fonts.


Changes the size of the text.


Specifies that the text is annotative. Annotative objects and styles are used to control the size and scale at which annotation objects are displayed in model space or a layout.

Match Text Orientation to Layout

Specifies that the orientation of the text in paper space viewports matches the orientation of the layout. This option is unavailable if the Annotative option is cleared.

Height or Paper Text Height

Sets the text height based on the value you enter. Entering a height greater than 0.0 sets the text height for this style automatically. If you enter 0.0, the text height defaults to the last text height used, or the value stored in the drawing template file.

TrueType fonts might be displayed at a smaller height than SHX fonts with the same height setting.

If the annotative option is selected, the value entered sets the text height in paper space.


Modifies characteristics of the font, such as its height, width factor, and obliquing angle and whether it is displayed upside down, backwards, or vertically aligned.

Upside Down

Displays the characters upside down.


Displays the characters backwards.


Displays the characters aligned vertically. Vertical is available only if the selected font supports dual orientation. Vertical orientation is not available for TrueType fonts.

Width Factor

Sets the character spacing. Entering a value less than 1.0 condenses the text. Entering a value greater than 1.0 expands it.

Oblique Angle

Sets the obliquing angle of the text. Entering a value between -85 and 85 italicizes the text.

Note: TrueType fonts using the effects described in this section might appear bold on the screen. Onscreen appearance has no effect on plotted output. Fonts are plotted as specified by applied character formatting.

Set Current

Sets the style selected under Styles to current.


Displays the New Text Style dialog box and automatically supplies a default name.

Style names can be up to 255 characters long. They can contain letters, numbers, and the special characters dollar sign ($), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).


Deletes unused text styles.


Applies style changes made in the dialog box to the current style and to the text of the current style in the drawing.