You can make many leader edits directly using multi-functional grips. You can add and remove leaders, add and remove vertices, lengthen or move the landing line, or move the leader text.
Select the Landing grip to lengthen or shorten the landing line.
Hover over a grip to access the option you want.
- From a leader endpoint grip, you can choose:
Stretch to move the leader endpoint.
Add Vertex to add a vertex to the leader line.
Remove Leader to delete the selected leader line.
- From the leader vertex grip at the end of the landing line, you can choose:
Stretch to move the leader landing.
Lengthen Landing to extend the Landing line.
Add Leader to add one or more leader lines.
- From any leader vertex grip not on the landing line, you can choose:
Stretch to move the vertex.
Add Vertex to add a vertex on the leader line.
Remove Vertex to delete the vertex.