Creates remote text (rtext) objects.
You can use an rtext object as a file reference to display text, such as a sheet note or a legal disclaimer, that is common to several drawings. You can also use it to display larger bodies of text such as specifications or assembly instructions.
Also called reactive text objects, remote text objects are displayed the same way AutoCAD text and mtext objects are displayed, however the source for the text is either an external text file or the value of a DIESEL expression. You can edit an rtext object with the RTEDIT command.
Command: RTEXT Current text style: STANDARD Text height: 0.2000 Text rotation: 0 Enter an option [Style/Height/Rotation/File/Diesel] <Diesel>: Specify an option
Style | Select a text style. |
Height | Specify a text height. |
Rotation | Specify a rotation value. |
File | Use an external text file. |
Diesel | Use DIESEL code. |
DIESEL provides options previously accessible only with custom programs. Here are some examples of how rtext objects containing DIESEL expressions can be used in your drawings. You can paste these examples into the DIESEL Expression dialog box.
Using the GETVAR Function
To display the drawing name 102-fp12.dwg, use the following expression:
Drawing file: $(getvar, "dwgname")
The resulting rtext object appears as follows:
Drawing file: 102-fp12.dwg
To include the folder path with the file name:
Drawing name: $(getvar, "dwgprefix")$(getvar, "dwgname")
The resulting rtext object appears as follows:
Drawing file: C:\Projects\97-102\Arch\102-fp12.dwg
Using the EDTIME Function
When you plot a drawing, you might want the output to show the date and the time that the plot was created. The following DIESEL expression displays this information in your drawing:
$(edtime, 0, MON DD"," YYYY - H:MMam/pm)
The resulting rtext object appears as follows:
Mar 22, 2000 - 11:12pm
Using the GETPROP Function
Rtext supports drawing properties through a locally defined $(getprop) DIESEL function. With $(getprop) , values from the tabs in the Drawing Properties dialog box (DWGPROPS command) can be extracted and displayed in rtext objects. The syntax for the $(getprop) function is:
$(getprop, property name)where property name can be any of the following fields from the dialog box:
Title Subject Author Keywords Comments LastSavedBy Revno Custom Property
For example, if the drawing properties for a drawing contains the text "Excavated Site" in the Subject field, the DIESEL expression:
Subject: $(getprop, subject)
in an rtext object will display as:
Subject: Excavated Site
If you have a custom property called Project Name, the following DIESEL expression will display the value:
Project: $(getprop, %PROJECT NAME)
Using the XREFS Function
Rtext supports listing xref files attached to a drawing using the $(xrefs) function with the following syntax:$(xrefs [, flags [, leader [, trailer]]])
flags | A collection of bitflags with the following meanings: 1 = (default) include Xref file name (not exclusive with flag 2), 2 = include Xref block name (not exclusive with flag 1), 4 = don't display file name extension, 8 = don't display path, 16 = show nesting with additional spacing |
leader | A text string inserted before each Xref entry. |
trailer | A text string appended to each Xref entry except the last. |
For example, the rtext DIESEL expression:
displays a list of xrefs in the following format:
B-ELEC [c:\proj-14\b-elec.dwg] M-ELEC [c:\proj-14\m-elec.dwg] R-ELEC [c:\proj-14\r-elec.dwg] F-ELEC [c:\proj-14\f-elec.dwg]
while the expression:
$(xrefs,2,Includes: )
lists the xrefs as:
Includes: B-ELEC Includes: M-ELEC Includes: R-ELEC Includes: F-ELEC
Using the IMAGES Function
Rtext supports listing images attached to the drawing through the $(images) function. The syntax for the function is:
$(images [, flags [, leader [, trailer]]])
flags | A collection of bitflags with the following meanings: 4 = do not display file name extension, 8 = do not display path |
leader | A text string inserted before each Image entry. |
trailer | A text string added each Image entry except the last one. |
The behavior of the $(images) function is similar to that of the $(xrefs) function.
Using the GETREC Function
RText supports displaying xrecord data through the $(getrec) function. The syntax for the function is:
$(getrec, key, code)
key | Entry name in the Named Object Dictionary. |
code | Group code to extract. |
The $(getrec) function extracts a value from an Xrecord by looking in the Named Object Dictionary for key, then for a data value associated with code. Currently, only group codes in the ranges 1-9 (string), 40-59 (real), 60-79 (integer) and 300-309 (string) are supported.
rtext.lsp, rtext.arx