ALIASEDIT (Express Tool)

Creates, modifies, and deletes AutoCAD command aliases.


You can create aliases for AutoCAD commands or DOS executable commands.

Dialog Box Options

There are two tabbed sections: Command Aliases and Shell Commands. Options common to both sections include the following:

Add Displays a dialog box where you can add a new AutoCAD alias and command or DOS alias, command, and prompt.
Remove Removes AutoCAD or DOS command alias from the acad.pgp file.
Edit Displays a dialog box where you can edit the currently selected AutoCAD alias and command or DOS alias, command, and prompt.
Confirm changes Turns the display of the confirmation dialog box on and off.
OK Saves changes and exits the Alias Editor.
Close Exits the Alias Editor without saving changes. Any changes made before the Apply button was clicked are saved.
Apply Saves changes in progress, then allows you to continue editing.

Note: You can invoke the Alias Editor at a DOS prompt or from within Explorer. Enter alias at the DOS prompt.


alias.exe, alias.hlp