To Work With ViewCube Display Options

Control ViewCube settings and with which visual styles it is active.

Show or Hide the ViewCube in the Current Drawing

Show or Hide the ViewCube by Visual Style

  1. Right-click the drawing area and choose Options.
  2. On the 3D Modeling tab, under Display Tools In Viewport Display The ViewCube, click or clear:
    • 2D Wireframe Visual Style
    • All Other Visual Styles

Control Position, Size, Opacity and Other Settings

  1. Display the ViewCube Settings dialog box.
    • If the ViewCube is active, right-click the ViewCube and choose ViewCube Settings.
    • If the ViewCube is not active, in the Options dialog box, 3D Modeling tab, under 3D Navigation, click ViewCube.
  2. Change ViewCube settings as desired.