Render Environment & Exposure Palette

Defines the use of image-based lighting and controls the exposure settings to apply when rendering.


You use the Render Environment & Exposure palette to set the global lighting of a scene.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Controls the use of and settings for image-based lighting when rendering.
Environment (Toggle)
Enables image-based lighting.
Image Based Lighting
Specifies the image lighting map to apply.
Specifies the rotation angle for the image lighting map.
Use IBL Image as Background
The specified image lighting map affects the brightness and background of a scene.
Use Custom Background
The specified image lighting map only affects the brightness of a scene. An optional custom background can be applied to a scene.

Click Background to display the Image Based Lighting Background dialog box and specify a custom background.

Controls the photographic exposure settings to apply when rendering.
Exposure (Brightness)
Sets the global brightness level for rendering. (EXPVALUE system variable)

Decrease the value to brighten or increase the value to darken the rendered image.

White Balance
Sets the Kelvin color temperature value for global lighting when rendering. (EXPWHITEBALANCE system variable)

A low (cool temperature) value results in blueish light, while a high (warm temperature) value results in yellowish or reddish light.