Creates an STL file that can be sent to a 3D printing service.
After you select objects to print, the following are displayed:
3D Print Options dialog box
Create STL File dialog box
The following prompts are displayed.
Select solids or watertight meshes
Select the 3D solids or watertight meshes to be printed. A watertight mesh is a mesh object with no gaps.
As you select solids or watertight meshes, note the following:
Blocks that contain solids or watertight meshes must be scaled uniformly.
Only solids and watertight meshes within selected blocks and xrefs are included in the output (STL) file. All other geometry is discarded.
Watertight meshes are converted to 3D solids based on the current value of the SMOOTHMESHCONVERT system variable. (Values of 0 and 1 create smoothed solids. Values of 2 and 3 create faceted solids.) 3DPRINTSERVICE does not optimize, or merge, coplanar faces during this conversion.