About Drawing and Program-Related File Locations

Specify search paths and a variety of folder locations from the Options dialog box.

The Files tab (Options dialog box) is where you set all file paths and folder locations used by the product.

The working search path for drawing support files lists paths that are valid and exist in the current system folder structure (including system network mapping). Using these options helps improve performance when these files are loaded.

You can also specify the location of temporary files. Temporary files are created when you open or create a drawing, and are deleted when you exit the program. The temporary folder is set to the location that the operating system uses. If you plan to run this program from a write-protected folder (for example, if you work on a network or open files on a CD), specify a different location for your temporary files.

The temporary folder that you specify must not be write-protected, and the drive containing the folder should have sufficient disk space for the temporary files. It is recommended that you manually delete the files from this folder on a regular basis to ensure sufficient space is provided for temporary files. If not enough space is available for temporary files, you may experience errors or instability in the program.

If you want to use a file that contains custom interface elements, specify it under Customization Files.