GRID (Command)

Displays a grid pattern in the current viewport.

The following prompts are displayed.

Grid Spacing (X)

Sets the grid to the specified value. Entering x after the value sets the grid spacing to the specified value multiplied by the snap interval.


Turns on the grid using the current spacing.


Turns off the grid.


Sets the grid spacing to the snap interval specified by the SNAP command.


(GRIDMAJOR system variable)

Specifies the frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines. Grid lines rather than grid dots are displayed under the following circumstances:

  • In AutoCAD-based products: When using any visual style except 2D Wireframe.
  • In AutoCAD LT: When SHADEMODE is set to Hidden.

Controls the density of grid lines when zoomed in or out.

  • Adaptive Behavior. Limits the density of grid lines or dots when zoomed out. This setting is also controlled by the  GRIDDISPLAY system variable.
  • Allow Subdivision Below Grid Spacing. If turned on, generates additional, more closely spaced grid lines or dots when zoomed in. The frequency of these grid lines is determined by the frequency of the major grid lines.


Displays the grid beyond the area specified by the LIMITS command.


Changes the grid plane to follow the XY plane of the dynamic UCS. This setting is also controlled by the  GRIDDISPLAY system variable.


Changes the grid spacing in the X and Y directions, which can have different values.

Entering x following either value defines it as a multiple of the snap interval rather than the drawing units.

The Aspect option is not available when the current snap style is Isometric.