To Work With Defining 3D Views Using Coordinates or Angles

Set a View With Viewpoint Coordinates

  1. Click View menu 3D Views Viewpoint.

    The menu bar is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter -VPOINT at the Command prompt and press Enter.

  2. Click inside the compass to specify the viewpoint. The selected viewpoint is used to view the drawing in the direction of 0,0,0.

Set a View With two Angles of Rotation

  1. Click View menu 3D Views Viewpoint.

    The menu bar is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter -VPOINT at the Command prompt.

  2. Enter r (Rotate) to specify a new direction using two angles.
  3. Enter an angle in the XY plane measured from the positive X axis.
  4. Enter an angle from the XY plane that represents your position while viewing the model in the direction of 0,0,0.

Set Standard Views With -VPOINT (AEC Convention)

  1. Click View menu 3D Views Viewpoint.

    The menu bar is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter -VPOINT at the Command prompt.

  2. Enter XYZ coordinate values according to the viewpoint you want:
    • 0,0,1: Top (plan) view
    • 0,-1,0: Front view
    • 1,0,0: Right side view
    • 1,-1,1: Isometric view

Set Standard Views With -VPOINT (Mechanical Design Convention)

  1. Click View menu 3D Views Viewpoint.

    The menu bar is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter -VPOINT at the Command prompt.

  2. Enter XYZ coordinate values according to the viewpoint you want:
    • 0,1,0: Top view
    • 0,0,1: Front view
    • 1,0,0: Right side view
    • 1,1,1: Isometric view (identical a right-out of 45 degrees and a top-out of 35.267 degrees view)