To Create a New Drawing File From Selected Objects

  1. Open an existing drawing or create a new drawing.
  2. Click Insert tabBlock Definition panelWrite Block. Find At the Command prompt, enter wblock.
  3. In the Write Block dialog box, select Objects.
  4. Click Select Objects.
    Note: If Delete From Drawing is selected, the original objects are erased from the drawing when the block is created. If necessary, you can use OOPS command to restore them.
  5. Use your pointing device to select the objects to be included in the new drawing. Press Enter to complete object selection.
  6. In the Write Block dialog box under Base Point, specify the drawing origin point (0,0,0) for the new drawing using one of these methods:
    • Click Specify Point to specify a point using the pointing device.
    • Enter the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the point.
  7. Under Destination, enter a file name and path for the new drawing, or click the [...] button to display a standard file selection dialog box.
  8. Click OK.

    A new drawing is created with the selected objects.