New Page Setup Dialog Box

Specifies a name for the new page setup, as well as the page setup to use as a starting point.

PAGESETUP (Command) Find: New

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

New Page Setup Name

Specifies the name for the new page setup.

Start With

Specifies a page setup to use as a starting point for the new page setup. When you click OK, the Page Setup dialog box is displayed with the settings of the selected page setup, which you can modify as necessary.

If you open the New Page Setup dialog box from the Sheet Set Manager, only the named page setups in the page setup overrides file are listed.

  • <None>. Specifies that no page setup is used as a starting point. The default settings that are displayed in the Page Setup dialog box can be modified.
  • <Default Output Device>. Specifies that the default output device specified in the Options dialog box, Plot and Publish tab, is set as the printer in the new page setup.
  • <Previous Plot>. Specifies that the new page setup uses the settings specified in the last plot job.