Edits associative array objects and their source objects.


Modify associative arrays by editing the array properties, editing source objects, or replacing items with other objects.

When you select and edit a single array object, the Array Editor ribbon contextual tab is displayed. The array properties available on the Array Editor ribbon contextual tab depend on the type of the selected array.

The following prompt is displayed.

Select array

Selects an array for editing. The type of array you select (rectangular, path, or polar) determines the remaining prompts.


Activates an editing state in which you can update the associative array by editing one of its items.

Select item in array
Select one of the array items as a source object to modify. All changes (including the creation of new objects) are instantly applied to all items that reference the same source objects. While the editing state is active, a contextual ribbon is displayed.


Replaces the source objects for selected items or for all items referencing the original source objects.

Replacement objects

Select the new source objects.

Base point

Specifies a base point for positioning each replacement object.

Key point
Specifies a constraint point to be used for positioning.
Item in the array to replace

Specifies an array item to replace, and continues to prompt for additional items.

Source objects
Replaces the original set of source objects in the array, which updates all items that have not been previously replaced.

Base point

Redefines the base point of the array. Path arrays are repositioned relative to the new base point.

Base point

Specifies a base point for positioning the objects in the array.

Key point

For associative arrays, specifies a valid constraint (or key point) on the source objects to use as the base point. If you edit the source objects of the resulting array, the base point of the array remains coincident with the key point of the source objects.


Specifies the number and spacing of rows, and the incrementing elevation between them.

Number of rows
Specifies the number of rows in the array.

Derives a value using a mathematical formula or equation.


Specifies the total distance between the first and last rows.

Incrementing elevation
Specifies the amount of elevation change between each successive row.

Columns (rectangular arrays)

Specifies the number and spacing of columns.

Number of columns
Specifies the number of columns in the array.
Distance between columns

Specifies the distance between columns.


Derives a value using a mathematical formula or equation.


Specifies the total distance between the first and last columns.


Specifies the number and spacing of levels (for 3D arrays).

Number of levels
Specifies the number of levels in the array.
Distance between levels
Specifies the distance between the levels.

Derives a value using a mathematical formula or equation.


Specifies the total distance between the first and last levels.

Method (path arrays)

Controls how to distribute items along the path.

  • Divide. Redistributes items to divide evenly along the length of the path.
  • Measure. Maintains current spacing when the path is edited, or when the number of items is edited through grips or the Properties palette. When the number of items is edited using ARRAYEDIT, you are prompted to redefine the distribution method.

Items (path and polar arrays)

Number of items
Specifies the number of items in the array using a value or expression.
Fill entire path (path arrays)
Uses the distance between items value to determine how the path is filled. Use this option if you expect the size of the path to change and want to maintain a specific spacing between array items.

For path arrays whose Method property is set to Measure, you are prompted to redefine the distribution method (Divide, Total, Expression).

Align items (path arrays)

Specifies whether to align each item to be tangent to the path direction. Alignment is relative to the orientation of the first item.

Sets the each arrayed item to follow the normal, or perpendicular orientation of the curve.
Sets all arrayed items to the same alignment as the source object in the array.

Z direction (path arrays)

Specifies whether to maintain the original Z direction or to naturally bank the items along a 3D path.

Angle between (polar arrays)

Specifies the angle between items using a value or expression.

Fill angle (polar arrays)

Specifies the angle between the first and last item in the array using a value or expression.

Rotate items (polar arrays)

Controls whether items are rotated as they are arrayed.


Restores erased items and removes any item overrides.


Exits the command.