To Scale Text in an OLE Object by Font

  1. Select an OLE object.
  2. Right-click. Click Text Size.
  3. In the OLE Text Size dialog box, select a font.

    The OLE Text Font list contains all of the fonts that appear in the selected OLE object.

  4. Select a point size.

    The OLE Point Size list contains all of the sizes for the selected font.

  5. In Text Height, enter a value in drawing units.

    This value is the height for text in the selected font and point size. For example, if you select Arial and 10 points, and then enter .5 in Text Height, all text in the selected OLE object that is currently 10-point Arial changes to 0.5 drawing units in height. All other text in the object changes size in relation to the selected font. The size of the OLE object adjusts to accommodate the new text sizes.

  6. Note: These steps apply to text pasted from spreadsheet and other application. Text from a text editor is pasted into to a drawing as a multiline text object that can be resized directly.