BTABLE (Command)

Stores variations of a block in the Block Properties Table.


This command is available only in the Block Editor. The Block Properties Table includes properties such as legacy parameters, parameter constraints, user parameters, and attributes.

Each row in the table defines a different variation of the block reference, and can be accessed by the lookup grip.

The legacy action parameters that are added to the lookup tables cannot be added to the Block Properties Table.

If a block table is already created in the block editor, entering the BTABLE command immediately displays the Block Properties Table dialog box.

The following prompts are displayed.

Parameter location
Specifies where the grip and table icon are located in the block definition.
Number of Grips
Specifies the number of grips to use. You can choose from a context menu based on the current contents of the block properties table.

The Block Properties Table window is displayed.

Specifies whether the block table item is displayed in the Properties palette when the block reference is selected.